Mobile messaging platform mAdme hits 250 million global users

Irish software firm mAdme heads to Mobile World Congress 2022 amid surge in user growth on company’s ‘premium’ digital messaging channel
Safe to say that Barcelona will be buzzing at the end of this month, as the Mobile World Congress (28 Feb – 3 Mar) returns after an enforced two-year hiatus. Sure, online events kept the show on the road but there’s nothing quite like doing it face to face.
For mAdme, the timing couldn’t be better. As the who’s-who of the mobile operator industry prepares to converge at the world’s biggest and most influential connectivity event, we’re delighted to share the news that we have just reached the milestone of 250 million global users. It’s a proud moment for us all, and we’re only getting started!
The pandemic threw everyone off course to some degree but one of the biggest impacts of Covid has been the urgency with which businesses – across all sectors – have driven their digital agenda. Now that normality is returning, the telecoms market is back in the fast lane with operators ramping up to meet both targets and expectations.
In the past six months alone, mAdme has added an incredible 50 million new users. That gives you a sense of the explosive growth we’re seeing right now. In our case, growth is being driven by mobile operators who rely on our premium digital messaging platform to better engage with their subscribers. Our technology overlays rich content directly onto device screens – no need to open an app – and can be tailored to hit those screens at precisely the right time.
Customer engagement our “lifeblood”
This all adds up to engaged customers, the lifeblood of our business. All mobile operators are under pressure to come up with more compelling and better offers that will help them achieve their growth targets. We can’t necessarily make the commercial offers better, but what we can do is make sure their offers get the required attention from customers.
Compared with traditional messaging methods – SMS, say, or email – campaigns delivered using mAdme’s technology, typically increase customer engagement by at least 25%. This is music to mobile operators’ ears. Not only are customers more engaged, they are also more receptive to cross or up-selling opportunities.
One of our European mobile partners recently surveyed its subscriber base about the mAdme experience and found that 93% of users felt that a message from the mAdme channel is more suitable to their needs, while 78% said that the message provided an easier sign-up process for that offer. Better targeting, more relevant and more engaging messages equals happier customers.
How are we doing this? The reason we gel so well with mobile operators is because telecoms runs through our veins. Our focus is on helping mobile operators – unlike others who are spread across multiple industries – so we understand them, and the challenges they face, better than anyone else. It’s just what we do.
If you’d like to find out more about our premium messaging channel, contact us for a free demo.
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“We’re really proud to have reached 250 million global users and thrilled to be heading to Barcelona for the World Mobile Congress. It’s such an exciting time to be in this industry because we’re coming out of Covid very, very strong. Mobile operators have an urgent need to grow revenues. Driving higher digital engagement with their valued customers is key to growing and retaining them. That is where the team at mAdme excel, by helping them achieve this.”
Triona Mullane, mAdme CEO and founder